Saturday, April 19, 2014


            My sisters and I have been finalizing plans for Race for Eniko.  As the race is getting closer we could not be more excited to remember Eniko while raising funds for Mustard Seed Communities.  We can not thank everyone enough that have supported and helped us in so many ways. 
            Lately as life has gotten hectic starting a new job, starting back up with school, and just life in general, I find myself reflecting back on my time in Jamaica with MSC.  The first night of our mission trip I wrote in my journal:
“As I lay here about to fall asleep my sound track is a busy street full of honking and church music from the service.  I cant help but think sometimes this is all we need.  To slow down and live life in the present.  To appreciate all that we have because there are so many that have nothing and yet don’t waste any time and thank God for everything they have.  And that is truly amazing.  Jamaica and MSC is truly amazing.”
When I read this and reflect back on my time at MSC I can’t help but feel so blessed to have been a part of something so great.
            I traveled to Mustard Seed Communities to serve others and to give back to people in need.  However, as I have stated so many times before, I got more in return than I could have ever guessed.  My trip, the organization, Eniko taught me so many life lessons that I carry with me everyday. I know that God has a purpose and a plan for everything.  When I was in Jamaica it was easy to see that God had led me there.  However it truly amazes me how that trip taught me so many things that I carry with me and use in my everyday life, still almost two years later.  
            I started working as a nurse at a busy ER in Baltimore City.  At times it can be so overwhelming and seem so chaotic.  However it is then that I am able to think back on my time in Jamaica, slow down, and find the blessing and purpose in everything.  I cant help but think, if I hadn’t have spent time in Jamaica, learned how to slow down and count my blessings, I would never have been able to survive or thrive as a nurse in the ER.
            I am in awe of the many ways that Mustard Seed and Eniko changed my life.  It made me a better person, and continues to challenge me everyday to find the beauty and blessing in each and everyday. 
            So as I end this post I would like to challenge all of you reading this to stop, take time to reflect, count your blessings, find the beauty in the day, and who knows you too might just get more than you have ever imagined.  

Love to all,

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